A yearly publication that provides figures on: population, health, construction and utilities, politics, education, labor, business, tourism, traffic, transport and communication, foreign trade, money and banking, macro economic aspects, public finance, prices, social affairs, justice and climate. Download items: 05-02 H Statistical Yearbook 2002 – – (681 kB)Continue Reading

A yearly publication that provides figures on: population, health, construction and utilities, politics, education, labor, business, tourism, traffic, transport and communication, foreign trade, money and banking, macro economic aspects, public finance, prices, social affairs, justice and climate. Download items: 05-02 H Statistical Yearbook 2001 – – (2 MB)Continue Reading

A yearly publication that provides figures on: population, health, construction and utilities, politics, education, labor, business, tourism, traffic, transport and communication, foreign trade, money and banking, macro economic aspects, public finance, prices, social affairs, justice and climate. Download items: 05-02 H Statistical Yearbook 2000 – – (697 kB)Continue Reading

A yearly publication that provides figures on: population, health, construction and utilities, politics, education, labor, business, tourism, traffic, transport and communication, foreign trade, money and banking, macro economic aspects, public finance, prices, social affairs, justice and climate. Download items: 05-02 H Statistical Yearbook 1999 – – (2 MB)Continue Reading

A yearly publication that provides figures on: population, health, construction and utilities, politics, education, labor, business, tourism, traffic, transport and communication, foreign trade, money and banking, macro economic aspects, public finance, prices, social affairs, justice and climate. Download items: 05-02 H Statistical Yearbook 1998 – – (4 MB)Continue Reading

A yearly publication that provides figures on: population, health, construction and utilities, politics, education, labor, business, tourism, traffic, transport and communication, foreign trade, money and banking, macro economic aspects, public finance, prices, social affairs, justice and climate. Download items: 05-02 H Statistical Yearbook 1996 – – (275 kB)Continue Reading

Profile of Aruba’s Children   Download items: Profile of Aruba’s Children (click to download) – – One in every four persons on Aruba is younger than 18 years. They represent both the present and the future of our country. Their social and economic circumstances reflect those of their parents as,Continue Reading

Visits to physician and specialist Download items: ab 7.01 Vaccination against preventable diseases under children 0-4 years of age by district, 2001-2003 – – (21 kB) ab 8.03 Physicians/specialists and dentists/orthodontists per 1000 inhabitants and number of inhabitants per physician/specialist and dentist/orthodontist, 1989-2008 – – (20 kB) ab 8.05 NumberContinue Reading

Eindtoets Primair Onderwijs 2007 – 2009 Download: Nationale_Onderwijs_Toets 2007 Eindtoets_Primair_Onderwijs_2008 rapport_NOT09_E Download items: Nationale_Onderwijs_Toets 2007 – – (5 MB) Eindtoets_Primair_Onderwijs_2008 – – (2 MB) rapport_NOT09_E – – (2 MB)Continue Reading