Key Indicators
Map of Aruba Demographic Aspects of Aruba Macro-Economic Aspects Key IndicatorsContinue Reading
Map of Aruba Demographic Aspects of Aruba Macro-Economic Aspects Key IndicatorsContinue Reading
Population, population change and population density The evolution of the population of Aruba Live births, deaths, birth rate and death rate Marriages and divorces Vital statistics Live births by age mother Teenage mothers younger than 15 years (12-14) Teenage mothers 15-19 years Age distribution (end of year population) Relative populationContinue Reading
Hospitals and Centers: general information Number of clients by geriatric home by age category Health personnel per selected occupations, December 31 Physicians/dentists per 1000 inhabitants & inhabitants per physician/dentists Inhabitants per Physicians/specialists and inhabitants per dentists/orthodontists Causes of death, 2015-2021, males Causes of death, males, in %, 2021 Causes ofContinue Reading
Overview construction applications, 2015-2023 Investment in buildings by type, in mln. Afl, 2015-2017 Buildings by type of construction New, 2015-2017 Buildings by type of construction Expansion, 2015-2017 Buildings by type of construction Renovation, 2015-2017 Utilities, 2015-2023 Water consumption per month by sector, 2023 Energy consumption per month by tariff group,Continue Reading
Results of elections to Parliament Constitution of Parliament by sex, and political party and female members of Parliament Results of elections to the new Parliament by party and polling district (2021) Governments by political denomination of the ministers, Results of elections to the new Parliament by political partyContinue Reading
This information will be added very soon to the website. General information of the regular school system General information of the regular school system General information of the regular school system Number of students by level of education General information of the regular school system General information of the regularContinue Reading
Employment rate by sex, 2023 Participation rate by sex, 1960-2020 Participation-, employment-, and unemployment rates, 2015-2023 Number of employed individuals and employment rates by age and sex, 2023 Participation rate by age group, 2016-2023 Number of employed individuals and employment rates, 2015-2023 Number of employed individuals and employment rates byContinue Reading
Registered companies with the SVB by economic sector, 2015 – 2020 Number of registered jobs with SVB by economic sector, 2015 – 2020 Number of registered jobs with SVB by economic sector by gender 2015 – 2020 Median monthly wages by economic activity (in Afl.), 2015 – 2020 Median monthlyContinue Reading
Total number of visitors Stay-over tourism, number of persons by nationality Stay-over tourism, number of nights by nationality Stay-over tourism by carrier Average length of stay by place of residence of visitors to Aruba (in days) Total rooms and occupancy rates Type of accommodation used by the visitors (in %)Continue Reading
Radio and television Number of motor-vehicles registered 2015-2023 Ships into ports and pilotage dues by port 2015-2023 Landings of aircrafts and revenues 2015-2023 Passengers travelling by air 2015-2023 Motor vehicle inspection 2015-2023 Total volume of transported bus passengers 2015-2023Continue Reading
Import to the free circulation area of Aruba by section, 2022-2023 Export from the free circulation area of Aruba by section, 2022-2023 Total Imports and Exports, 2022-2023 Total imports to Aruba by quarter, 2022-2023 Total exports from Aruba by quarter, 2021-2023 Imports to the free circulation area of Aruba byContinue Reading
Components of broad money, December 31, 2015-2022 Foreign assets, December 31, 2015-2022 Detailed balance sheet of the Central Bank of Aruba, December 31, 2015-2022 Commercial banks Detailed balance sheet, assets, December 31, 2015-2022 Commercial Banks detailed balance sheet, liabilities, December 31, 2015-2022 Official foreign exchange rates (selling), 2015-2022Continue Reading
Gross domestic product (GDP) and per capita GDP (at market prices) Derivation nominal gross domestic product at market prices (in mln. Afl.) GDP in various countries Final consumption expenditure (in mln. Afl.) Gross capital formation (in mln. Afl.) Continue Reading
Consumer Price index for December, 2001-2023 End of period inflation, 2010-2023 Period average inflation, 2010-2023 Consumer Price Index by sector and category for December, 2017 – 2023 Monthly inflation, 2015-2023Continue Reading
Social security 2023 Subsistence level by household composition Persons with pension under the general pensions act Children’s helpline, calls by nature of problems Children’s helpline, calls by age group callers Minimum wages (Monthly Afl.), December 31, 2015-2023 Welfare benefits, 2012-2023Continue Reading
Households and persons by type of living quarter, 2020 Households and number of persons by type and location of the living quarters, 2020 Number of persons and households by region in %, 2020 Households by type of housing unit and location in %, 2020Continue Reading
Temperature Precipitation Rain days Humidity Wind speed, air pressure and duration of sunshineContinue Reading
Prisoners by country of birth Prisoners youth up to 18 years by sex Prisoners adult 18+ years by sex Type of crimeContinue Reading