Back Five decades of data on live births on Aruba In the last 5 decades, periods of a surge in births have been followed by periods of decline. Since 2018, the declining number of births has been particularly pronounced and bears some resemblance to the declining trend seen in theContinue Reading

Quarterly Demographic Bulletin 2023 is changed to the section Population Development with the latest data on population and vital statistics. This bulletin presents the latest demographic changes, including data on births, deaths and migration collected from the Population Registry Office. Population estimates are based on the latest Census held inContinue Reading

<< Back         Source: Central Bureau of Statistics and the Civil Registry and Population Office Download items: Key demographic indicators 1991-2024 3rd QTR – – (561 kB)Continue Reading

Download items: H-B.1. Households occupying non-collective housing units by type of housing unit, tenure of household and, for tenant households, ownership of housing unit occupied – – (13 kB) H-B.2. Population occupying non-collective housing units by type of housing unit, tenure of household and, for tenant households, ownership of housingContinue Reading

Download items: H-A.3. Non-collective households occupying housing units by type and location of the housing unit – – (19 kB) H-A.4. Population occupying non-collective housing units by type and location of the housing unit – – (19 kB)Continue Reading