- Hospitals and Centers: general information
- Number of clients by geriatric home by age category
- Health personnel per selected occupations, December 31
- Physicians/dentists per 1000 inhabitants & inhabitants per physician/dentists
- Inhabitants per Physicians/specialists and inhabitants per dentists/orthodontists
- Causes of death, 2015-2021, males
- Causes of death, males, in %, 2021
- Causes of death, 2015-2021 females
- Causes of death, females, in % 2021
- Causes of death by age, males, 2021
- Causes of death by age, females, 2021
- Number of new registrations to the Family Planning Foundation
- Contraceptive methods provided by the Family Planning Foundation
- Number of acceptors visits to the Family Planning Foundation
- Total visited schools Family Planning Foundation
- Number of positive HIV results and registered AIDS-cases
- Communicable diseases reported to the Section of Contagious Diseases
- Positive HIV results