Organization and Execution of the 2020 Census
Everything about the project will be published here. This information will be published here very soon. Continue Reading
This publication presents a selection of the results of the 2020 Population and Housing Census. We are confident that information on the size, distribution, and characteristics of our population will serve for developing sound policies and programs aimed at fostering the welfare of Aruba and its inhabitants. Further in-depth analyses about social-economic and demopgraphic issues will be shortly, high lighting emerging trends and future challenges. We hope that they will play and indispensable catalytic role in the fruitful policy debates, optimize planning proccesses and consolidate the foundation of the country.
Everything about the project will be published here. This information will be published here very soon. Continue Reading
Tables with general characteristics of the population (A) Tables dealing with the living arrangements (in households and family nuclei) of the population (B) Tables dealing with migration characteristics of the population (C) Tables dealing with health aspects of the population (E) Tables dealing with the marital status of the populationContinue Reading
Tables on the type of living quarters (A) Tables with general characteristics of living quarters (B) Tables on some construction aspects of living quarters (C) Tables dealing with sanitary facilities of the living quarters (D) Continue Reading