The job of the Central Bureau of Statistics is to keep the Government and the community as a whole informed about trends and changes in our country and to do so, gathers statistical data on a regular basis and conducts surveys to gain insight into specific characteristics of our society.Continue Reading

Production is the main source of wealth in any society. Only through production is it possible to generate value added. Part of this value added on its turn is transformed into categories of income, like wages, taxes, dividends, etc., which is used by businesses and households for their own purposes.Continue Reading

Foreign Trade 2014. Download: Ch. Foreign Trade Q1, 2014 Ch. Foreign Trade Q2, 2014 Ch. Foreign Trade Q3, 2014 Revised Ch. Foreign Trade Q4, 2014-Mega Old Download items: Revised Ch. Foreign Trade Q4, 2014-Mega Old – – (12 MB) Ch. Foreign Trade Q1, 2014 – – (2 MB) Ch. ForeignContinue Reading