60+ Health (Pilot Census 2019)
The health status of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this info graphic, and it includes information on: perceived general and emotional health, persons with limitations, persons with self-reported chronic disease, persons who need help with personal care and household chores, and those who provideContinue Reading
Total Imported Value to Aruba by Alcoholic Beverage Categories (2018)
The following info-graphic report contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods of alcoholic beverages in 2018. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are merely analyzed by alcoholic categories, sea/air and regions. The Import to theContinue Reading
Total Imported Value to Aruba by Alcoholic Beverage Categories (2019)
The following visualization contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods of alcoholic beverages in 2019. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are analyzed by alcoholic beverage categories, sea/air and regions. The Import to the free circulationContinue Reading
Total Imported Value to Aruba by Alcoholic Beverage Categories (2020)
The following visualization contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods of alcoholic beverages in 2020. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are analyzed by alcoholic beverage categories, sea/air and regions. The Import to the freeContinue Reading
Total Imported Value to Aruba by Alcoholic Beverage Categories (2021)
The following visualization contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods of alcoholic beverages in 2021. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are analyzed by alcoholic beverage categories, sea/air and regions. The Import to the freeContinue Reading
Table: Imported Value to Free Circulation Area of Aruba (2019 – 2020 YTD)
The following table contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods for the Aruban food and non-food segments for the period of 2019 till December 2020. Special thanks also go to the Customs Department “Departamento di Aduana Aruba (Douane)” (our data-supplier and supporter). ClassContinue Reading
Value of imported goods to Aruba by ISIC (2015 – 2020 YTD)
The following visualization contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods between January 2015 and August 2020. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are analyzed by import country, ISIC economic activity and top five sections andContinue Reading
Total Imported Value to Aruba by Food Segments (2015 – 2020 YTD)
The following visualization contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods of the Aruban food segments between January 2016 and September 2021. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are analyzed by regions and local food segments.Continue Reading
60+ Living arrangements (Pilot Census 2019)
The living arrangements of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this info graphic, and it includes information on: type and ownership of living quarters, and region of residence of persons 60 years and older. Download items: Pilot Census 2019 60+ Living arrangements (English Version)Continue Reading
60+ Characteristics (Pilot Census 2019)
The characteristics of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this infographic, and it includes information on: number of 60+, sex, country of birth, nationality, marital status and household composition. Download items: Pilot Census 60+ characteristics (English Version) – – (655 kB) Pilot Census 60+Continue Reading
Room facilities (Pilot Census 2019)
The availability of rooms, bathrooms and toilets in the living quarter of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this infographic. A room is a space in a living quarter that is enclosed by walls and covered by a roof. Rooms include bedrooms, a dining room,Continue Reading
GDP Aruba – 2013 up to 2018
This table reflects the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for Aruba for the years 2013 up to 2018. Please be advised that 2018 figures are preliminary. Added on 21 jan 2021: Excel document with figures of GDB (2013 – 2018) Download items: Gross Domestic Product 2013-2018 – – (184 kB)Continue Reading
Hand washing facilities with soap (Pilot Census 2019)
The availability of hand washing facilities with soap in the living quarter. This question was adapted to fit the criteria included in the calculation of indicator 6.2.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation). Download items: Pilot Census 2019 – Hand washing facilities (English Version)Continue Reading
Census Pilot- Preliminary results
Download items: Preliminary Results Pilot Census 2019 – – (5 MB)Continue Reading
ICT 65+
The population of Aruba, 65 years and older and the world of ICT.Continue Reading
Back to school 2019
These are the school locations based on the school type for students of age category between 4 to 16 years old.Continue Reading
Aruba Migration and Integration Study (AMIS)
This publication contains in-dept analysis of the migrants on Aruba. Data source is the Aruba Migration and Integration Study 2016 (AMIS 2016) conducted in 2016 by CBS.Continue Reading