International Migrants day (18 december 2024)
To mark International Migrants Day on December, 18, 2024, the CBS shares some insight into the foreign-born population in Aruba. Download items: InternationalMigrantsDay2024 – – (3 MB)Continue Reading
To mark International Migrants Day on December, 18, 2024, the CBS shares some insight into the foreign-born population in Aruba. Download items: InternationalMigrantsDay2024 – – (3 MB)Continue Reading
CBS presents some facts about the upcoming election in Aruba which will take place this friday, 6th of November 2024. Source: Electoral council of Aruba Download items: ElectionAruba2024FactsENG+PAP – – (186 kB)Continue Reading
Who are the potential voters for the upcoming election 2024 in Aruba? CBS presents the following data about potential voters in Aruba: Total voters, total voters by sex, country of birth, age group, generation by birth year and by region. Source: Civil Registry and Population Office (June 30,2024) Download items:Continue Reading
Women’s Equality Day 2024 Women’s right to vote in Aruba In connection with the celebration of Women’s Equality Day (Augustus 26), the CBS presents information on the voting rights of women on Aruba. Women on Aruba are allowed to vote since 1948.Continue Reading
Marital Status Hereby the CBS presents an infographic titled: “La media naranja”. The marital status of the population of Aruba 18 years and older. Link: crO58U/61wI8WybxhOK3JUMhPL6Aw/view ?utm_content=DAGHRcrO58U&utm _campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link &utm_source=editorContinue Reading
In connection with the celebration of Father’s Day, the CBS presents the following data about father’s in Aruba. Download items: DiaDiTata2024 – – (235 kB) FathersDay2024 – – (254 kB)Continue Reading
In connection with the celebration of International Women’s Day, the CBS conducted a survey titled:” The inclusion of women in Aruba”. Attached the results of this survey. Thanks to everyone who participated. Download items: InclusionofwomeninAruba2024 – – (2 MB)Continue Reading
International Mother Language Day Source: Labor Force Survey, June 2022 Download items: DiaInternacionalDiIdiomaMaterno_21022024_NEW – – (233 kB)Continue Reading
Children ant youth of Aruba and worries about climate change Between November 30 and December 12, Dubai hosted the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-28). During this event, several important topics related to climate change will be discussed, amongst other the need to educate and empower everyone, especially childrenContinue Reading
In connection with the celebration of “Dia di San Juan”, CBS presents data about the ones who are named: Juan* on Aruba, the ones who were born on this day 24 of June and the number of calls that the fire department of Aruba receives on this day. *Juan:Juan, Jean,Continue Reading
In connection with the celebration of Mother’s Day 2023, the CBS presents the following infographic titled: First-time babies celebrating mother’s day.Continue Reading
In connection with celebration of International English and Spanish Language Day (April 23), the CBS present some data regarding the population of Aruba that speaks English and or Spanish. English Language Day at the UN is celebrated on 23 April, the data traditionally observed as both the birthday and dateContinue Reading
The health status of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this info graphic, and it includes information on: perceived general and emotional health, persons with limitations, persons with self-reported chronic disease, persons who need help with personal care and household chores, and those who provideContinue Reading
The living arrangements of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this info graphic, and it includes information on: type and ownership of living quarters, and region of residence of persons 60 years and older. Download items: Pilot Census 2019 60+ Living arrangements (English Version)Continue Reading
The characteristics of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this infographic, and it includes information on: number of 60+, sex, country of birth, nationality, marital status and household composition. Download items: Pilot Census 60+ characteristics (English Version) – – (655 kB) Pilot Census 60+Continue Reading
The availability of rooms, bathrooms and toilets in the living quarter of the population of Aruba 60 years and older are presented in this infographic. A room is a space in a living quarter that is enclosed by walls and covered by a roof. Rooms include bedrooms, a dining room,Continue Reading
The availability of hand washing facilities with soap in the living quarter. This question was adapted to fit the criteria included in the calculation of indicator 6.2.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation). Download items: Pilot Census 2019 – Hand washing facilities (English Version)Continue Reading
Download items: Preliminary Results Pilot Census 2019 – – (5 MB)Continue Reading