Latest report published December 2021 These are the monthly reports for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in 2021. Since October 2020, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) made a series of improvements to keep the measures on changes in consumer prices as accurate and up to date as possible. ImportantContinue Reading

The following info-graphic report contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods of alcoholic beverages in 2018. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are merely analyzed by alcoholic categories, sea/air and regions. The Import to theContinue Reading

  The following visualization contains information about the total cost, insurance & freight (CIF) value of imported goods of alcoholic beverages in 2019. The ‘Imports to Aruba (Free Circulation Area)’ and the ‘Imports to the Free Zone’ are analyzed by alcoholic beverage categories, sea/air and regions. The Import to the free circulationContinue Reading

This table reflects the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for Aruba for the years 2013 up to 2018. Please be advised that 2018 figures are preliminary. Added on 21 jan 2021: Excel document with figures of GDB (2013 – 2018)   Download items: Gross Domestic Product 2013-2018 – – (184 kB)Continue Reading