- General information of the regular school system, 2015-2016
- General information of the regular school system, 2015-2016
- General information of the regular school system, 2015-2016
- Number of students by level of education, 2015-2016
- General information of the regular school system, 2015-2016
- General information of the regular school system, 2015-2016
- General information of the regular school system, 2015-2016
- Pupil Flow in Primary Level of Regular Education as a result of Promotion and Repetition of Scholastic Year, 2015-2016
- Transition from the 6th/ last grade of the Primary Level to the 1st grade of the Secondary Level over Scholastic Year, 2015-2016
- Final examination statistics, 2015-2016
- Final examination statistics, 2015-2016
- Granted loans for study by field of study, country of study and level of education, 2014
- Population by level of education obtained by age category in percentages, 2010
- Number of teachers by sex and school/ program, 2015-2016
- Percentage of teachers by sex and school/program and sex (% males/females), 2015-2016
- Age distribution of teachers by school/program, 2015-2016
- Age distribution of teachers by school/program in percentages, 2015-2016
- Age distribution of teachers by level of education, 2015-2016