- Total number of visitors
- Stay-over tourism, number of persons by nationality
- Stay-over tourism, number of nights by nationality
- Stay-over tourism by carrier
- Average length of stay by place of residence of visitors to Aruba (in days)
- Total rooms and occupancy rates
- Type of accommodation used by the visitors (in %)
- Frequency of visits to Aruba (in %)
- Age groups of visitors (in %)
- Travel arrangement of the visitors (in %)
- Stay-over tourism in some countries in the Caribbean
- Yearly household income of visitors (in %)
- Average daily expenditure in Aruba per category, (in Afl.)
- Average daily expenditure by place of residence (in Afl.)
- Estimated total tourism expenditure (in 1,000 US dollars)
- Cruise tourism
- Cruise tourism in some countries in the Caribbean