- Employment rate by sex, 2023
- Participation rate by sex, 1960-2020
- Participation-, employment-, and unemployment rates, 2015-2023
- Number of employed individuals and employment rates by age and sex, 2023
- Participation rate by age group, 2016-2023
- Number of employed individuals and employment rates, 2015-2023
- Number of employed individuals and employment rates by age group, 2016-2023
- Number of unemployed and number of inactive individuals by age and sex, 2023
- Unemployment rate and inactivity rate by age and sex, 2023
- Number of unemployed and number of inactive individuals by sex, 2015-2023
- Number of unemployed and number of inactive individuals by age group, 2016-2023
- Persons employed by the government by ministries, 2015-2017
- Persons employed by the government by ministries, 2018-2020
- Persons employed by the government by ministries,2023
- Number of persons employed by the government, 2010-2023