The Central Bureau of Statistics(CBS) has made a reasonable effort to ensure that the accompanying information is up-to-date, accurate, complete, and comprehensive at the time of disclosure. In this section you find information about statistical acts as published by CBS in local media.

These records are a true and accurate representation of the data on file at the CBS. Authenticated information is accurate only as of the time of validation and verification. The CBS is not responsible for data that is misinterpreted or altered in any way. Derived conclusions and analyses generated from this data are not to be considered attributable to the CBS.

However if you need more information, help or data to do your analysis please feel free to contact our team.

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File Description File size Last modified
Statistiekverordening AB 1991 GT44 Statistiekverordening AB 1991 GT44 15 Kb 03/04/13 12:26
Landsverordening volkstellingen AB 1990 GT10 Landsverordening volkstellingen AB 1990 GT10 16 Kb 03/04/13 12:26
Landsbesluit sociaal-economische statistieken AB 1991 GT14 Landsbesluit sociaal-economische statistieken AB 1991 GT14 11 Kb 03/04/13 12:26
Landsbesluit Nationale Rekeningen AB 1991 GT13 Landsbesluit Nationale Rekeningen AB 1991 GT13 11 Kb 03/04/13 12:26
Meer wetten over vragenlijst en uitvoering Andere statistiek gerelateerde wetten niet van toepassing Meerdere

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